Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gio Pren

Gio Pren is my best online friend and i always wanted him to be my first blog guest. Actually, we’ve met once but living in different cities keeps us away. Our friendship is still alive..(luckily)...via internet!
Gio is one of the most talented people i’ve ever met. He is artistic in many ways. He is a student in computer engineering and mass media...but also a graphic designer (equal to proffesionals) a dj and a radio producer. He designs and creates unique posters. Most of his projects are based on psychedelic shapes and neutron colours. He implies the human presence, especially the masculine one. He steps on music themes and gets inspiration of post punk and rock stuff. His latest poster couldn’t have been nothing less than i expected...! It’s part of his radio show promotion and sample of his talent of course.
*click on his name and visit his flickr profile!

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