Wednesday, July 7, 2010

my Girlz

" a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. "

i read this quote and a few minutes ago i came across with a relevant blog post by Ioanna..!
so i couldn't help but wonder what about friends' role in my life.. what about lovers.. what about persons i haven't thank or even notice them..

i always had difficulty in keeping all my friends i ended in the fact that friends come and go and we should keep only their wisdom and common mutual moments as a treasure!
Of course i have friends that are next to me constantly and permanently and we support each other and we spend time together solving 'problems' and having fun..
But it's really worth it when i find support from people i didn't expect..
During the last months two supergirls have pulled me back from the rabble lots of times..and have encouraged me when i was defeated by disappointment and extended bad temper..!

photos by Muki

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